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Bruno Weber Lab

Bruno Weber Lab

How should the digital presence of a research laboratory dedicated to the complexity of brain metabolism look like? Clear, visually appealing, and intuitive.

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The Bruno Weber Lab (University of Zurich) has elevated research on brain energy metabolism to the next level through the combined use of genetically encoded substrate sensors and two-photon laser scanning microscopy. We only grasp this sentence to some extent ourselves. However, what we quickly understood is that their research work reveals visually impressive images. For the new web design, we have assigned these to the respective publications as key visuals. Building on this, a colour concept was developed that shapes the visual design of the website.

In conception and communication, the people of the Bruno Weber Lab are at the centre. The user-friendly UX design links profiles with corresponding publications and news. Stringent storytelling, clear page structure, and intuitive links provide viewers with comprehensive insights into the activities of the innovative Zurich laboratory.

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User Experience – Interactive links connect research work, team, publications, and news in a dynamic experience.

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Content Direction – The impressive images generated during the research work are deliberately brought into focus.

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