Bild von einer gebrandetem produkt. kundenbindung branding digital brand naming
Bild vom logo. design branding brand marke



A pasta takeaway that brings the Italian values of family and friendship to St. Gallen. Buon Appetito!

Bild vom neuen logo. rebranding. brand uplift refreshBild von dem gebrandeten raum. merchandise.bild von gebrandeten produkten.

From the visual brand identity to its individual brand language and the packaging design - Unknown Digital has the pleasure of accompanying and shaping Fratelli in many areas. Based on a workshop, the brand identity was consolidated and the values, positioning, color scheme and language were defined. The newly created brand is cheeky, fun and conveys the feeling of sitting around the table at Nonna's house. The visual world was applied to pasta boxes, stickers, napkins and various textiles such as hoodies, shirts and caps.

Bild vom ergebnis eines branding projekts.Logo vom endprodukt einer erstellung einer marke. Mithilfe von Archetypen wurde die Identität und die Werte der Marke definiert.Bild von einem logo einer starken marke.

DNA and Brand Values

Archetypes were used to define the brand's identity and values. These archetypes are based on the idea that people tend to recognize certain character types or stereotypes and associate them with brands. Developing this can help a brand build a strong emotional connection with current and future customers and deliver its message more effectively.